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2025-02-07 白家电 0人已围观

简介在一个风和日丽的下午,阳光透过窗户洒落在一间典雅的客厅里。墙上挂着几幅古老的军事画卷,沙发旁边摆放着一张精致的小茶几,上面搁放着几本书籍和一个小型收音机。客厅的一角,一位中年妇女静静地坐在沙发上,她是这个家庭的夫人。 “夫人!少将请您回家。”客厅外传来了声音,这个声音 belonged to a young man, his voice was soft and gentle. The


“夫人!少将请您回家。”客厅外传来了声音,这个声音 belonged to a young man, his voice was soft and gentle. The woman looked up from her book, she felt something strange in her heart. She put down the book and walked towards the door.

As she opened the door, she saw a middle-aged man standing there. He was dressed in a military uniform, his face had many lines on it, but his eyes were still bright. He smiled at her and said “My dear wife, I have come back.”

The woman was surprised and happy at the same time. She hugged him tightly and asked “Where have you been? Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?”

The man replied “I couldn't tell you earlier because of some important work I had to do.” He then took off his hat and bowed down to her.

The woman smiled again and said “It's okay my love. I understand that sometimes we have to go away for our duties.” She then invited him inside.

As they sat down on the couch together, the woman noticed that he looked tired so she asked if he wanted some tea or coffee. The man replied that he would like some tea.

After they finished their tea, they talked about their lives for hours until late into the night. They talked about everything from their childhood memories to their dreams for future.

In this moment of quietness with each other's company after such a long time apart due to work obligations or war battles fought far away - both husband & wife shared an emotional reunion filled with laughter & tears as one might expect when two souls reconnect once more under shared roof amidst familiar surroundings - home where love never fades nor disappears even though distance may separate them temporarily yet inevitably brings them closer through longing hearts beating as one soul now reunited within warm embrace of tender affectionately expressed by those words: "夫人!少将请您回家" (Mrs., General requests your return).


标签: 白家电