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2025-03-12 白家电 0人已围观

简介新华财经伦敦1月30日电(记者张亚东)据英国汽车制造商和贸易商协会(SMMT)最新数据显示,2024年英国汽车产量大幅下滑,达到了779584辆,这一数字与上一年相比有13.9%的降低。 分析表明,2024年的英国汽车市场表现不佳,不仅国内需求出现了8%的同比减少,而且出口也遭遇了15.5%的下降。这一数据反映出在全球经济复苏过程中,英国汽车行业面临着严峻挑战。 SMMT首席执行官Mike



SMMT首席执行官Mike Hawes对这一现象进行了解读,他指出,在去年销量持续下行的情况下,当前的产量减少并不足为奇。然而,他同时强调了Britain在新能源车型和电池生产领域的巨大潜力,并呼吁政府制定相关工业和贸易策略,以将这一增长潜能转化为实际成果,从而确保British automotive industry保持其竞争力。

随着全球向可持续交通模式过渡,以及技术创新不断推进,未来British automobile sector预计将迎来新的机遇。尽管目前面临困难,但通过政策支持和产业自我革新,British car manufacturers and traders are confident that they can overcome the challenges and thrive in the years to come.

The data-driven analysis provided by SMMT offers valuable insights into the current state of British automotive industry, and serves as a reminder of the importance of strategic planning and policy-making in navigating through uncertain times.

As we look ahead to 2025 and beyond, it will be crucial for policymakers, industry leaders, and stakeholders to work together to create an environment that fosters growth, innovation, and sustainability in British automotive sector. By doing so, Britain can not only recover from its current slump but also position itself as a leader in global automotive market.

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