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揭秘VR新世界你是否勇敢到足以拆开Quest 2的神秘盒子
2025-03-21 【白家电】 0人已围观
简介[隐藏] 1月12日,2022年 VR设备文章目录 盒子里装了什么? 耳机设置你的任务 使用 Quest 和 Companion 应用程序 买还是不买 原作者:Jon Jaehnig Oculus 的 Quest 2(Facebook?Meta?)是当下最受关注的头戴设备,主要是因为其相对低廉的价格使其成为第一款价格实惠的 VR 头戴设备。在这里,我们检查它是否辜负了炒作。 盒子里装了什么?
使用 Quest 和 Companion 应用程序
原作者:Jon Jaehnig
Oculus 的 Quest 2(Facebook?Meta?)是当下最受关注的头戴设备,主要是因为其相对低廉的价格使其成为第一款价格实惠的 VR 头戴设备。在这里,我们检查它是否辜负了炒作。
Quest 2 开箱即用,配有耳机、较小的参考指南、较大的安全和保修指南、两个 USB-C 电缆和适配器、处方眼镜垫片和可清洁的可拆卸盖。如果您与他人共享耳机,则在两次使用之间。所有这些都装在一个整洁的盒子里,而且与某些 VR 耳机不同,一旦你把它拿出来,就很容易把所有东西放回那个盒子里。
作为一款消费级耳机会员,Quest 2 具有用户友好的设计,没有一些更多面向企业的耳机上的所有按钮和端口。顶部根本没有接口。左侧有一个音频插孔和 USB-C 端口。右侧有一个电源按钮和一个电源状态指示灯。底部只有一个音量按钮和两个板载麦克风。
Quest 2 设计非常标准。此类手柄上都各自拥有扳機及握持按鈕,以及控制盘上的操纵杆、一枚拇指托及 Home 按鈕。在左侧控制盘上,你会找到 X 及 Y 按钮以及菜单按鈕;而在右侧则分别为 A 及 B 按钮。你还会发现挂绳随附,每个听众都会看到他们如何移除它们,但这可能帮助维持 VR 启动保持它们方向,即至少开始时这样设定。而环圈也有灯标识,让你知道何时启用工作状态。
Setting your Task 2
Setting up the Quest is a process. Yes, despite Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg hinting at rolling back this feature in his Connect event last year, as of writing this article, you still need to log in with a Facebook account. Not only that, but you also need to pair the Quest with the Oculus mobile app.
If that's not enough for you, you're then prompted to allow location data and Bluetooth sharing using your mobile app. The setup page says it's by detecting nearby other Quest headsets to enable social features. Oh wait? You don't want social features enabled by detecting and detecting other Quest headsets? Overcome it.
This is what life is now.
Yes, during registration, the device does attempt to let you add friends from Facebook and tells which of your Facebook friends have associated their own headset accounts with them too! Your default Oculus profile picture appears as if I haven't used my Facebook account in three years! Because mine does.
Aside from that setting-up works like any other headset there isn't anything different about it. There are friendly animated videos telling you how set up your play area and suggesting ensuring enough space for safe movement around it - these can be accessed via device settings; we recommend viewing these on headphones or speakers for others playing alongside.
Using the Companion App
After completing setup everything heard about Ques t being true holds water: It's easy use-friendly display effects good responsive controls abundant game market And if indeed an avid gamer seeking social experiences then this companion app rocks!
The main page primarily used for announcements & videos has a store tab option where browsing & purchasing games without needing headphones occurs instead through phone But potential exists on social pages You browse live events chat w/ friends track participation progress towards challenges Being able to project content seen within headset onto nearby mobile devices & smart TVs enables sharing virtual reality journey amongst others Additionally view battery levels both on headphones & batteries via phone.
Should I Buy?
If planning purchase consumer-grade VR headset under $500 , Ques t truly remains sole choice available As good news everyone loudly hailing its arrival shares ample reason doing so Bad news though FB data-sharing might worse than anyone told ya