您现在的位置是: 首页 - 彩电 - 医院负压吸引排气灭菌过滤器人物如何选择真空食品杀菌设备 彩电
2025-01-24 【彩电】 0人已围观
简介技术:135, 883, 555, 40 负压除菌真空系统广泛应用于外科手术,提供及时可靠的吸引动力。在环境中,对污染越来越敏感和对传染的防护使过滤成为这些系统的必需。 真空系统过滤的必要性已得到广泛普及。没有足够的入口过滤会损坏真空泵,破坏真空度,造成污染和设备停止工作。入口管路污染物包括颗粒、灰尘、水汽和其他气体。出口排放也会包括颗粒、油和有害气体。入口和排气过滤器能有效处理这些污染物
技术:135, 883, 555, 40 负压除菌真空系统广泛应用于外科手术,提供及时可靠的吸引动力。在环境中,对污染越来越敏感和对传染的防护使过滤成为这些系统的必需。 真空系统过滤的必要性已得到广泛普及。没有足够的入口过滤会损坏真空泵,破坏真空度,造成污染和设备停止工作。入口管路污染物包括颗粒、灰尘、水汽和其他气体。出口排放也会包括颗粒、油和有害气体。入口和排气过滤器能有效处理这些污染物。除菌过滤对于任何真空系统的管路和出口都存在携带大量病菌的危险,为了保护病人、医护人员以及广大人民群众的健康,世界各国多年以前就提出安装并维护细菌过滤器。在真空泵前面不安装或不维护除菌过滤器,不但会损坏真空泵,而且会使真空泵成为细菌污染源。
真 vacuum exclude filter performance requirements
按照 BS测试办法,过滤效率超过99.995% true vacuum度630mbar的情况下,压差损失不得超过30mbar.
为什么说不锈钢exclude filter是负压排放exclude选择!使用合格的地质不锈钢exclude filter是可靠且经济高效的一种exclude方式,它经过了多项严格实验,并在食品饮料生产、生物制品制造等行业得到了广泛应用,是一种非常理想的人工环境中的excepting工具(经过气泡点检测合格,可以将99.99%以上微生物有效去除,与一般大气微生物指标相比更为严格)。此外,在负压排放过程中,由于细菌与其他潜在传染源不断产生,因此使用紫外线杀灭法虽然对表面进行消毒,但由于其低效率(通常需要1小时以上照射才能达到效果)而受到限制;臭氧等方法只能用于密闭空间消毒,如碗筷消毒柜。此外,如果配备静压箱,一台每小时165方抽气量4KW真 vac pump至少需要配100方体积静压箱。
AS2896 gas system such as the following statement on entrance filters: Entrance filters should be bacterial filters, selecting appropriate sizes to ensure pressure difference does not exceed3.5KPa; The core of the filter must meet ISO8573.1 first-grade standards with a filtration efficiency of0.01μm.
Chinese GB medical gas engineering technology specifications regulate the exclusion of filters:
- Filter precision:0.01-0.2μm
- Filtration efficiency: 99.995%
It is necessary to maintain and replace the exclusion filter in time to prevent excessive pressure difference from affecting system flow.
Convenient replacement of cores and maintenance if only one total pipe is installed, it must be equipped with a bypass valve at the exhaust port for steam or disinfectant liquid intake) ——4.vacuum pump -- (water ring type blowback water separator) ——5.stainless steel exhaust port exclusion filter --- room outside roof exhaust (far away from suction devices for easy diffusion of waste gases; The exterior shell must be made of 304 stainless steel material without dead corners where bacteria can grow; cannot use aluminum alloy or carbon steel instead; The entire filter must withstand high temperature steam sterilization.)
True vacuum excludes mainly adopt large-area bacterial filtering cores, fast-install structure, filtration precision up to0.22μm/0.01μm,
using121℃clean steam regularly sterilized,
can remove bacteria and various viruses by 99.995%.
The main purpose is that excluding filters are an excellent choice for negative air pressure excludes.
Excluding filters are made from materials like304or316Lstainlesssteel shells combined with mirror-finished surfaces without any dead corners where bacteria can grow.
The membrane adopts PTFE foldable membrane which has high-pressure resistance and high-temperature resistance properties.
And due to seasonal winds causing easy dispersion into adjacent working areas or residential areas;
4.Use ordinary industrial filters as bacterial filtering tools (cylindrical housing made of aluminum alloy);
Pump house lacks decontamination measures;
5.No installation or maintenance of bacterial filtering devices discharged directly into the atmosphere;
Some have installed UV ozone ionization tail-end treatment methods;
1.Setting outlets underground should lead outlets outdoors; outlet placement should not coincide with medical air intakes nor other buildings' doors & windows within a distance less than3 meters nor windward locations above others' rooftops; Outlet pipes require drainage valves below their lowest points;
2.Outlets display clear warning signs for hazardous gases & outline safety zones.
Consultation hotline:13777562059