您现在的位置是: 首页 - 热点资讯 - 你知道大型净水设备的价格是多少吗比如250L单级全不锈钢3罐UV配置的大型净水器 热点资讯


2025-01-30 热点资讯 0人已围观

简介今天我们就来了解一下这个高效的净水设备。 反渗透,又称逆渗透,是一种以压力差为推动力,从溶液中分离出溶剂的膜分离操作。它通过对膜一侧的溶液施加压力,当压力超过它的渗透压时,溶剂会逆着自然渗透的方向作反向渗透。这样,在膜的一侧得到的是透过的溶剂,即渗透液;另一侧得到的是浓缩的溶剂,即浓缩液。这种技术可以去除99.5%以上盐分,常用于市政自来水、地下水、苦咸水、海水等脱盐处理,与其他净化工艺相比










Reverse-Osmosis System: Reverse Osmosis device's core component.

Pure Water Storage Tank: Used for storing pure water.


电-power industry: Boiler feed water

电子-industry: Semiconductor manufacturing ultra-pure water, integrated circuit cleaning water

食品-processing industry: Formula-making use of purified water, production use of purified water, washing use of purified water for tea leaves, fruit juices, vegetable juices, plant extracts and other thermally sensitive materials; washing use of purified water

饮料-manufacturing industry: Formula-making use of purified water, production use of purified water, washing use purification process in beverage plants; brewing wash-down clean-in-place (CIP) system with a reverse osmosis (RO) unit to produce high purity deionized (DI) or distilled (D) quality rinse waters used in bottling lines and canning facilities.

药-product industry: Process-use purification systems for the pharmaceutical manufacturing processes that require ultra-pure and de-ionized grade waters including but not limited to analytical laboratory reagent preparation areas; clinical trial supplies such as injectable drug products that require sterile filtration and filling operations using filtered air supply systems.

Chemical-processing industries include chemical processing plants that manufacture chemicals on a large scale. These plants typically have large quantities of waste streams that are generated during various stages of the chemical synthesis process. Some common applications include oil refining processes where RO is used to remove impurities from crude oil prior to its refinement into petroleum products.

Water treatment industries provide drinking-quality potable tapwater by removing contaminants from raw or municipal sourcewaters through the application of physical/chemical treatment technologies such as coagulation/filtration/sedimentation/disinfection followed by reverse osmosis membrane filtration.


标签: 数码电器新闻资讯